
8 Hurdles to Avoid When Building Your Business Website (and Actually Getting Customers)

So you're ready to conquer the digital world with a website that screams "professionalism" and "leads, glorious leads!" But hold on to your virtual shopping cart, champ. Building a business website isn't just about flashy animations and stock photos of people shaking hands (unless, of course, your business is professional hand-shakers).

Here's the lowdown on 8 crucial factors to consider when designing your website, sprinkled with enough humour to keep you awake (because building a website shouldn't put you to sleep, literally or metaphorically).

know your target audience in web design

1. Know Your Target Audience (Unless They're Minions...Those Guys Love Everyone)

Who are you trying to attract? Cat-loving millennials or grumpy dads looking for the perfect grill? Understanding your target audience is like deciphering your grandpa's jokes – you gotta get on their wavelength. Tailor your website's content, design, and tone to resonate with them.

Pro Tip: Don't use jargon that would make a rocket scientist scratch their head. Speak plainly, but not like a toddler explaining a birthday cake. There's a sweet spot in there, I promise.

make website navigation easy

2. Navigation: (Make it Easier Than Escaping a PowerPoint Presentation)

Imagine your website is a museum, but instead of priceless artifacts, you have information about your stellar products and services. You wouldn't make visitors crawl through air vents to find the Mona Lisa, would you? Design an intuitive navigation system that allows visitors to find what they need quickly. Think clear menus, drop-down lists, and maybe even a handy dandy search bar (because nobody likes wandering aimlessly through an information labyrinth).

Web Design Humour & Tips:

  • Ever gotten so lost on a website you ended up buying a subscription to a clown college you never knew existed? Yeah, bad navigation does that.
  • Don't make your visitors click through 17 pages just to find your contact information. That's like hiding your phone number in a fortune cookie and expecting everyone to eat the whole thing.
mobile-first-web design

3. Mobile-Friendly is Non-Negotiable (Unless You Sell Flip Phones)

We all know the struggle of trying to navigate a website on a phone screen the size of a postage stamp. Don't subject your visitors to that torture! Ensure your website is responsive and adjusts to different screen sizes.

Web Design Humour & Tips:

  • Your website shouldn't look like a funhouse mirror image on mobile devices. People shouldn't need a magnifying glass to read your content.
  • Think of your mobile website as the bite-sized snack of the internet. Easy to digest and leaves them wanting more (more of your awesome products, that is).
content in web design

4. Content is King (But Visuals are the Hilarious Court Jester)

High-quality content is essential for engaging your audience. Informative blog posts, compelling product descriptions, and even customer testimonials (with permission, of course) will keep visitors glued to your site. But don't forget the power of visuals! High-resolution images, infographics, and even well-placed memes (used strategically, of course) can break up text and make your website more visually appealing.

Web Design Humour & Tips:

  • Stock photos of people looking vaguely happy while shaking hands are a dime a dozen. Get creative with your visuals!
  • Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, but a funny GIF can be worth a million laughs (and maybe a sale or two).
page speed in web design

5. Speed is Key (Unless You're Selling Sloth Plushies)

Nobody likes a slow website. It's the internet, people, patience is in short supply. Optimise your website for speed. This includes things like image compression, reducing clutter, and choosing a reliable web hosting provider.

Web Design Humour & Tips:

  • Your website shouldn't take longer to load than it takes to watch paint dry (unless, of course, you're selling a revolutionary new paint that dries super fast).
  • A slow website is the internet equivalent of being stuck in rush hour traffic. Frustrating and a total buzzkill.
CTA in web design

6. Call to Action (CTA): Tell Them What to Do (Besides Leave in Frustration)

What do you want visitors to do after browsing your website? Sign up for your newsletter? Buy a product? Clearly state your call to action (CTA) with compelling buttons and persuasive language.

Web Design Humour & Tips:

  • Don't make your visitors guess what you want them to do. A clear CTA is like the neon "Open" sign at your favourite restaurant – it beckons them in and tells them exactly what deliciousness awaits.
  • Your CTA shouldn't be a cryptic message written in Wingdings...it should be a bold, clear call to action that screams "Click here for awesomeness!" (but in a more professional way, of course).
SEO and web design

7. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Befriend the Google Overlords (But Not in a Creepy Way)

SEO is the magic that helps your website rank higher in search engine results. Think of it as getting a VIP pass to the front page of Google (because nobody scrolls past the first page, do they?). There are technical aspects to SEO, but you can also focus on creating high-quality content that targets relevant keywords.

Web Design Humour & Tips:

  • SEO isn't about stuffing your website with keywords like a Thanksgiving turkey. It's about creating valuable content that search engines (and humans) will love.
  • Don't try to trick Google with black-hat SEO tactics. They're onto you, buddy, and a penalty from Google is worse than accidentally showing up to a meeting in your pyjamas (although, that can be pretty embarrassing too).
analytics in web design

8. Analytics: Track, Analyze, and Tweak (Because Perfection is Boring Anyway)

Once your website is launched, the fun doesn't stop! Use website analytics tools to track user behavior, see what's working and what's not, and constantly optimize your website for better performance.

Web Design Humour & Tips:

  • Building a website is like raising a child. It takes constant attention, love, and the occasional embarrassing website redesign phase (we all go through it).
  • Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things! A/B testing different website elements is like playing mad scientist with your website – but hopefully with better results than turning your dog purple (unless you're selling purple dog dye, that is).

Top FAQs:

How much does it cost to build a business website? Prices can vary depending on complexity, features, and who you hire to build it. You can find website builders for a few bucks a month, or invest in a custom-designed website for thousands of dollars.

Do I need to hire a web designer? Not necessarily! If you're tech-savvy and have a good eye for design, you can build a website yourself using website builders. However, a web designer can help you create a professional and high-performing website.

How long does it take to build a website? Again, it depends. Simple websites can be built in a weekend, while complex websites with custom features can take weeks or even months.

Wrapping Up...

So there you have it, folks! Building a business website doesn't have to be a comedy of errors (although a little humour never hurts). By keeping these eight factors in mind, you can avoid the hurdles that can trip up even the most enthusiastic entrepreneur. Remember, your website is your digital storefront – make it inviting, informative, and most importantly, effective in converting visitors into customers.

Now, go forth and conquer the digital world! But before you do, get in touch if you need some expert help (think free consultation, downloadable website checklist, etc.). We believe in you and your website's potential for internet domination (in a good way, of course). Happy building!

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